Instructions for Online Counseling

How do I schedule an appointment?Book an Appointment after appt date selexted Donaldson Christian Counseling, Inc. (2)

Follow these simple steps, it takes less than three minutes to select, schedule, and pay for your session.

1. Click the Book an Appointment tab on the main page header at 

2. Click the available day that best fits your schedule. Note* the red blocks are Book an Appointment Step 2 Donaldson Christian Counseling, Inc. (3)not available online.

3. The calendar pop up will ask you to “select your service.”

Book an Appointment Appt scheduled Donaldson Christian Counseling, Inc. (8)

3A. For an Online session, click Online (either individual or couple) and then click “next.”

4. Select an available day that best fits your schedule. Note*, our calendar is Central Standard Time. You will now be able to select specific times available by the day.

5.  Click new user or existing user. Remember the password and name you chose.





6. You will be asked the method of Payment, click PayPal. (Remember, your session is not reserved until the payment is processed).


7.  Log into your PayPal account with your username and password or sign in as a guest.

8.  Approve the payment and you will receive an email confirmation from PayPal and the session is now reserved.  Note*, your session is not reserved until the payment is processed.


That’s it—that’s all it takes!

I have my appointment, now what do I do?

  1. Once your session is booked and paid for through PayPal, you will receive an email from Donaldson Christian Counseling to complete your Personal Data Inventory (PDI) form. This form will help your counselor get to know you prior to the first session.
  2. The PDI form must be completed at least 24 hours prior to the session.

how-to-use-skype-3How do I use Skype for online counseling?

  1. Log onto and sign in or set up your personal user account, it’s free! 
  2. For Dr. Donaldson, his Skype is david.donaldson63
  3. Spend some time getting familiar with your computer’s web cam, volume control and zoom capabilities of your system.
  4. Contact a friend or co-worker and participate in several video conferences prior to your counseling session.
  5. Being familiar with Skype will ensure you get the best quality experience from online counseling.

What can I expect from an online counseling session?1983327

  1. Prayer is an essential part of Christian counseling and we will pray together at the beginning and closing of each session. Each session lasts approximately 45-55 minutes.
  2. You will be given reading and homework assignments to be completed before we meet again and this will be discussed at the start of every session. Many times, homework assignments will be emailed to you by the counselor.
  3. God’s word is the standard established for the model of counseling and the moral basis for all we discuss within the session.

 How should I prepare the day of the session?overlay-gvc-dtp

  1.  You will receive an email reminder 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. This is a good time to test your system to ensure your Skype account is working properly.
  2. At least 15 minutes before the start of your session, find a quiet place alone with no distractions. Turn off your TV, radio, cell-phone, etc. Be sure to tell anyone in your home or office you are not to be disturbed for the next hour. Spend a few minutes in prayer or read a daily devotional. Use this time to “unplug” from the stresses of life and relax.
  3. Test your internet connection and log onto Skype. Make sure your camera is situated so the counselor can see you clearly, preferably from the waist up is a good picture.
  4. Find your counselor on Skype. For example, for Dr. Donaldson, type in david.donaldson63.
  5. If the connection is lost, you should reconnect following the above steps. The counselor will await your return call to resume the session.

What should I do after the session has ended?

  1. Give yourself some time, after the session, to pray and reflect before reconnecting with your daily activities.
  2. Use this time to plan out how you will complete your homework assignment. For example, you could download or order the recommended reading materials online.
  3. This is a good time to allow God to speak to your heart and to begin healing the problems in your life.
  4. Don’t rush back into a hectic day, relax, and take time to focus on improving your quality of life.coco and drake
  5. Not too relaxed!!!!