Why Donate?

Would you like to support a Christian charity that reaches across the country and around the world? Would you like to help us provide hope to desperate people through Biblically-based counseling? a87774039ddcb9bc_shutterstock_95861986.previewWould you like to see children, families, and friends accept Jesus Christ into their hearts? Or perhaps you would like to help us expand our technology services, add bi-lingual counselors, and reach other countries with a message of hope?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then please prayerfully consider supporting Donaldson Christian Counseling, (DCC). 

We are a 501 (c) (3), tax-exempt charity and all donations are tax deductible.

Churches & Christian Foundations

By including DCC within your missions support budget, you can partner with us, reaching into homes, schools, businesses and communities with a gospel message of hope and healing.

DCC counselors have access into areas most traditional ministries could only dream of. We are invited into peoples homes, offices, communities, and even dorm rooms. And now, you can help advance this kingdom work through your prayerful and financial support.

DCC has also established a benevolence fund with the goal of providing services to people who cannot afford to seek counseling on their own, but we need your help.  This fund is specifically reserved to help widows, orphans, and impoverished families through your generous support, across the country and around the world. Whether you support our missions work or the benevolence fund, you are providing Biblically-based, Christ centered counseling services to people who need it the most.

Christian Businesses & Individuals

At some point in our lives, we were all helped by someone in the name of Jesus Christ. The people our ministry reaches on a daily basis are desperate for hope. You can help us provide the services that could enable their lives to heal. Your donation could help a family stay together, give comfort to a disabled person or even help a child recover from the loss of a loved one.

How do I donate to DCC?

You can click the Donation button located at the bottom right side of any page and makecouple-arguing_1208831c your contribution via PayPal. Click the reoccurring box and the payment will become a regular monthly donation. Know your transaction is safe, secure, and your donation will be used to promote the hope and healing that can only be found within Biblically-based counseling.